
Eko Energy Sales Professionalism

Written by Lillie Gredley | 12-Jun-2018 23:51:27

We recently received a fantastic testimonial from an Eko Energy customer, explaining the importance of sales professionalism.

"The other day my wife and I decided we would install solar power in our home to offset the rising cost of mains power.  We made arrangements with two companies to see their sales people.

A telephone appointment was the only option offered by salesperson A whereas a face-to-face appointment was preferred by salesperson B.

Salesperson A duly rang, an hour later than scheduled, and took us rapidly through his sales track, gathering information by asking a few questions as he went. He then told us what he recommended, which I took it down on a piece of paper as best I could. When he asked me to, I did agree albeit without enthusiasm, to call him the next day.

Salesperson B arrived on time and spent time getting to know us and establishing rapport. He then took us gently through his presentation asking some questions to make sure he knew us and to find out what we thought we needed. He gave us an outline of his proposal, wrote it all down for us and promised that he would send a formal quote through the next day which he duly did.

I heard nothing from salesperson A for a week and, when he finally rang and I told him that I decided to go with the other company, he was most indignant. 

I said that I preferred the professionalism of the other company who had sent me a written quote and rung me to answer any further questions. 

“Oh, but you were going to ring me” he said. I reminded him that I was the prospect and that, as he was the salesperson, it was in his interests to follow me up.

Not only was salesperson B a little less pushy but he came in at a lesser price because he didn’t recommend a Rolls Royce solution when Holden was what we wanted. We had the gut feeling that that’s what salesperson A had done. 

Salesperson B also made sure we had no questions or reservations and offered us more time to think it over.

“No," we said, "we trust you! We are happy to go ahead”.

Although salesman A seemed very professional initially and had a great sales track in the end we reckon he was too glib… we were just another prospect! And he didn’t give attention to the little things that mean so much such as a formal quote, follow up and treating us like real people, building rapport and credibility.

And salesman B had the advantage of a face-to-face discussion with us which I believe really counted when it came to making a decision. We liked respected and trusted him… the basis of any great sale. Have a f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c day... Winno" - Read more here


At Eko Energy, we pride ourselves on our customer service and consider our sales professionalism to be a real point of difference between us and other solar companies. We encourage all customers to book an in-home consultation with one of our solar experts to discuss the options available to them and determine whether solar really is the best option for them. Get in touch today and start your roadmap to energy freedom!

 or call 03 8560 2677 to speak to a member of the team.